Dr. Bo Han receiving Award

I’m fascinated by the powerful applications of analytics.

Bo Han Ph.D.
Professor of Business Analytics

  • Faculty
Marketing and Business Analytics
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Marketing and Business Analytics

“Never stop learning.” Not just a saying, it is a maxim that Dr. Bo Han truly believes in. As a professor in the Department of Marketing and Business Analytics for over seven years, Dr. Han continues to encourage young minds to learn in classrooms and from student organization outreach activities with the DFW business communities. His passion about business analytics has inspired many students, and led them to find an exciting career in information technology and data analytics.

A Conversation with Dr. Han

What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending East Texas A&M?

“Several of our programs are internationally ranked. What makes our program unique is that we help students to be career-ready. We offer flexible online courses so that students can balance work, family, and study. We have a designated career development office so that the career coaches can help students prepare for resumes and interviews. If you choose ETAMU, please be sure to visit the College of Business Career Development Office as soon as possible. Our career coaches are looking forward to meeting you and developing a career path for you.”

What draws you to your discipline?

“Business analytics is a new discipline that aims to find the money for companies by analyzing big data. I'm fascinated by the powerful applications of analytics. For example, we can build analytical models to predict what products a customer may purchase by analyzing his/her online shopping histories. I appreciate the fact that business analytics can help companies explore new business opportunities and reach their goals more efficiently.”

What has been your favorite course to teach?

“BUSA 542 Applied Decision Modeling. A variety of linear programming applications are introduced in this class. Students learn how to optimize portfolio performance, distribution channel design and human resource management by using linear programming models. The undergraduate course number of this class is BUSA 424.”

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Information Systems, University of North Texas
  • MBA, Information Systems, Wayne State University
  • BBA, Business Administration, Shandong Normal University

Academic Positions

  • Associate Professor, Texas A&M University – Commerce(now East Texas A&M University), 2013 – Present
  • Instructor, University of the Incarnate Word, 2012 – 2013
  • Instructor, University of North Texas, 2011 – 2012

Awards and Honors

  • Tech Titans Future University Program Finalist, 2018
  • Junior Faculty Research Award (TAMUC(now ETAMU)), 2017
  • Highly Commended Paper Award (Journal of Organization Change Management & Emerald Group Publishing), 2015

Research Interests

  • Social media applications
  • Cybersecurity management

Professional Organizations

  • ISACA North Texas Chapter Member

Selected Publications

  • Bo Han, 2020, How do YouTubers make money? A lesson learned from the most subscribed YouTuber channels. International Journal of Business Information Systems 33 (1), 132-143
  • Bo Han, 2018, Social media burnout: Definition, measurement instrument, and why we care. Journal of Computer Information Systems 58 (2), 122-130
  • Bo Han, Yu Wu, John Windsor, 2014, User's adoption of free third-party security apps. Journal of Computer Information Systems 54 (3), 77-86

BUSA 424 Business Analytics Modeling
BUSA 542 Applied Decision Modeling
BUSA 537 Advanced Analytics

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